What is Viveks.com ?

Why buy from Viveks.com ?

You can purchase products directly from our website from the comfort of your home. We are authorised sellers who focus on quality and giving complete information to you the customer.

How do I buy a product ?

After finding the product you would like to purchase. Make sure your pincode is serviceable. Create an account with us , add the product to your cart and checkout. Currently we do not allow guest check out for security reasons. As a registered member you can enjoy express check out. Check order history and maintain your address book.

Where can I get delivery ?

Currently we deliver to the entire state of Tamil Nadu.

How long will delivery take ?

Within Chennai, you can expect delivery within 1-3 days. Rest of Tamil Nadu you can expect delivery within 2-5 days. We have tied up with the best courier partners to ensure speedy and safe delivery with tracking.

I faced an error while making payment.

Reach out to us at esupport@viveks.com

How do I track my order ?

Go to My Account and check your current order status. An email will also be sent to you when product is dispatched with the tracking number.

How do I cancel an order ?

Go to My Account and check your current order status. An email will also be sent to you when product is dispatched with the tracking number.

How do I contact support ?

If you are looking to purchase or have purchased a product from our retail location please call 044-42238000 or email customercare@viveks.com. If you have purchased a product from Viveks.com. Please email esupport@viveks.com.

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